You can expect only worst from the conservative and religious mind
The world goes forward. The Earth is spinning into a new day, forward. Life goes on and on in every sphere, kind and meaning. Every day some little evolution is happening even where it looks there is no good environment for it, like in the conservative and religious people minds.
Oh, they evolve! Evolve in their manipulative weapons and learn how to use liberal and freedom’s tools, created to bring equality and rights for the marginalized and others. They wisted these tools and now we can watch in shock how something good could be ruined again.
But what actually we received from conservative and religious people — Evolving mind? Private life and our human rights? Equality?
None of the above!
We received manipulative order, insulting categories, unimaginable simplicity, narrow thinking, limited views, wars, atomic bombs… did I mention the war?
These people get used to force every single philosophy they create on others. They force their views and someone has a different point, they are twisting it and blame him/her/them for the same things the conservative-religious people do! Manipulate in the name of their own good. Not the good of their children, or in the name of god — those are flashy, shiny facades of the ugly true — they will never grow up; they will never over jump their infantile views and desires; they will never have the strength, the will to live their own lives and let the others be.
Problems in personal and work life!
Doubts in their own selves and lives!
Those are the engine of all the hate that is spreading around disguised as values and scriptures. You can not expect anything good from all of this. And how you can expect something polite and politically correct from people hungry for power and more minions (i.e. conservatives)or from people who turned their philosophies into a book of the real delusion, that only stupid person will not see how comfortable it is for specific categories of society, so that is obvious who wrote it and why (i.e. religious people). Everything is about power and minions! As many minions they will have, more powerful and stable their order will become. And we can expect worse.
And this is accomplished by lies, misinformation and prejudice. Simple and lethal!