You are what someone told you that you are and you accepted it and enjoy it… there is the difference
Starting to read a fully-transphobic fearmongering book Female Erasure makes me ask more questions about gender and sex. How sex is a starting point, turned into predetermination and how gender-critical feminists/TERFs are blaming their own acceptance of the patriarchal oppression via terms and tags and projecting the misery born from that oppression towards trans women. All of thit came up so clear to me.
Constantly barging how biologically oppressed and stressed they are. How miserable they are in constant existence of gender inequality. How hard is to be a woman, and what it is and what it does not mean… They reach to the point where instead of turning to their real oppressor — the patriarchal order, they turned on trans women and cis men. While most (90%-95%) cis men might for sure establish and enforce patriarchy norms and stereotypes, trans women even when they follow the femininity traits of the society, still are way more transgressive and challenging to that order than the transphobic bunch of hateful feminists .
Actually, the line of high-powerful transphobes, repeating mantras like “erasing”, “invading”, “mocking”, “man”, etc. are turned their paranoia into a real delusion, an obsession, and weakness.
As a “real woman” those ladies accepted the assigned determination of their sex at extent beyond the rational and feel the joy of being defined by their biological sex (i.e. vaginas and genes (eventually)), turning it into a reason for exclusion for those who are born women but had medical issues that not allow them to feel “all the beautiful pains of the “real” womanhood” and targeting people who are totally not born to be “a man” basically, fundamentally, despite their sex characteristic.
You are what someone told you that you are. You accept it. You confirm. Even enjoy it. Today you turn it into your shield of hatred and right to validate the rest the same way as you were validated. To force the same way you were assigned to and allow your genitals to define you. Don’t blame me for that. I do not agree with my assignment and my genitals and this is where the difference lays. While, you obey and cry how oppressed you are, how much you are struggling by tolerating patriarchal order’s violation, WE, those you are citing as your imaginary enemies and “erasures”, we fought, mostly silently at every step, way much harder than you, specifically, the “screaming” ones — we fought with ourselves, with our families, friends, loved ones, society, and patriarchy.
To be my own self and my own woman.
So you can mock and devalidate our terminology, our foundation rooted in the gender identity, that you denied that everyone has, you can lead a war against what build you up— the gender you embraced, when it was suitable despite the hardness and struggle. That will not erase me. That will not erase my knowledge of myself, that you obviously have a lack of (because if you had it we won’t be sitting here arguing about genitals like infantiles).
You can project your misery on me, blame me for what some cis men did to you and write “real books” about fake erasure over you in a war brought upon you by your conservative and zealot allies, NOT the trans women, but the real fact is: PEOPLE ARE MORE THAN JUST A BIOLOGY/GENITALS. You’ll never outgrow this.