Thoughts: “Bio” sex had never applied the same way for everyone, and more…

6 min readMar 16, 2021


Everyone’s experience is unique.

As Julia Serano says about the “Feel like a woman” (or man) phrase — there is no one way to feel like a woman or whatever… Because of the experience, the environment, the society, and last but not least our own perceptions and interpretations, our own identity core, which clashes with the patriarchal standards for “women/female” and “men/male”, constantly.

Aside from that, the “gender critical” feminists, or more like “desperate housewives and rape victim holders”, will never forgive us for how hard we hit the patriarchy and shake its foundations, by challenging its oppressive assignments to the “two real sexes”, they also will never swallow the fact that “biological” sex (i.e. physiological sex characteristics) just DOESN’T APPLY IN THE SAME WAY, for all the people, and the art to live as a society and united is to accept that every F-ing, single person in this dying world is DIFFERENT!

No, it’s not hard to get these simple facts over feelings. It doesn’t suit their cult (because they are the real cult, if you check their tactics, preaching, propaganda, recruiting, manipulative and abusive strategies). They don’t think about women’s and children’s safety, because trans people are not as much of a threat as any other cis person, especially men (as well as 64 K women who are not excluded). And genitals have nothing to do with that!

Let’s put it simply:

  • “Biological” sex is defined mostly by people, who checked some genitals’ shape, suggest that there will be functioning in a specific way (despite all the cases where they don’t), and check the “M” or “F” box. Nature doesn’t put labels and doesn’t put expectations and roles - people do.
  • People are assigned to these accepted “biological sex” characteristics in roles without taking in the possibility that these roles might not be applicable. Here I am not including genes, because we can only suggest what genes someone has based on a narrow observation, and by the way, people’s genes and genitals ARE NON OF YOU F-ING BUSINESS, GCs, AND FRIENDS!!! Go, get a life!;
  • It’s not hard to get that some people might have inborn, fundamental conflict and disagreement, or just a mismatch causing the previous two, with these narrow, physical characteristics, their functions, and the assignment that is enforced via them. Many people have existential conflicts with parts of their body and look, and there is nothing wrong with this. The idea that you should “embrace” your inborn flaws (in any aspect) is for people, who don’t have the courage to challenge and change them or believe that they are “flawless” or better and the other should, “get used” to what they have, including, wrong genitals and sex/gender assignment. People are born to defy flaws and to cross the borders of limitations. If this wasn’t true we wouldn’t be standing here today with these accomplishments in the medical, technological, etc. fields. Sadly there is a regress in humanism and human rights, movements, which are vital for our development.; Not everyone with a penis is a man and rapist, and not everyone with a vagina is a woman and fragile victim, helpless and non-aggressive or non-violent. That’s a myth! See the GCs feminists for example! They are so manly, and masculine in their attitude and actions towards everyone who does not agree with their hate rants, lies, and fantasies, that even Nazis and real rapist and abusers are joining their rows, amazed by the “manhood” vibe in them. And they have a XX and vaginas, (eventually)?!
  • Violence is a product of bad education and manners acquired in a toxic family and society. Also, we can’t keep a whole community accountable and stigmatize other groups, individuals, or inner-fragments crimes. Trans women are not men. They are human beings (no matter how much some people’s gender-critical feelings are trying to erase this fact — sadly all the “queers”, are human beings!)! Some human beings can get easily frustrated and can have a predisposition for violence and that is A FACT OVER FEELINGS for all people, sexes, and genders… Not a specific trait for one type of genitals ownership!
  • Using simple physical characteristics like genitals to describe, reduce and erase people is a reinforcement of the poisonous patriarchal order, embracing the future oppression and violence towards women, children, and LGBT+people.
  • All this debate is childish and infantile! People’s existence and lives are not ideologies and they are not debatable! All of us deserve safety and security, which we will not have until we put patriarchy and the religious delusion and bigotry in place and restrictions (yes, the same they want for all of us — women, children, LGBT+ people, etc. not suitable elements). We have the usual group that thinks that they are the best, the standard (even as oppressed “caste”) and they can define everyone as their predecessors did, just because they believe that they can! Just because people, in general, get addicted to building confidence and cheap “normality” status on others’ suffering! “You can’t play on our playground, because we decide that you don’t fit, according to our spoiled, flawed, and issued position based on our limited experience, narrow views, and our outdated delusional views that “normal” is “biological”, not social construction and nothing more than common, not a standard!”. (The conception of “standards” is socially constructed on the common, by excluding the different in the name of the manipulation and fake feeling of a unity);

You are free to disagree! I didn’t use the “gender identity” card, because I think that it’s more complex than that. For me, Brynn Tannehill describes it really well in her book: It’s the brain that can’t be changed and is the highest-functioning organ in our body, which consist of our identity core, (aside from some people’s attempts to think ), and it’s schemes, that don’t accept the assigned and raw, limited “bio” sex reality of the body! To disagree with it, after acknowledging and don’t forget its existence, is not a delusion. To accept that not everyone is aligned — inborn and immutably, naturally with their sex organs and the enforced via them roles, is not that hard, but it’s hard to get by the spoiled, childish, and paranoid elements of the herd you call “society”.

In the end: No one is erasing or forbidding your own self-determination as a man, woman, feminist, or whatever on the base of your genitals. This is your doing. Expanding has nothing to do with erasure in the fields of language, society, and culture. Your jealousy towards the attention over trans right is infantile and makes you fabricate lies and spread fear in the name of your own self-esteem rising. Accepting that people are what you think they are and what suits you for them to be for you is erasure. Selecting random characteristics, exaggerating them, and using them for oppression, is erasure. The unification at all costs is an erasure!

Keep your views, but accept the differences! Dislike me because I am challenging what you think was solid, because no one likes everyone, but stay away from my private life.

Go, get a life, and do something really gender-critical like fighting the forced genital mutational in women and men; the sexual abuse towards women and children, by women and men; fight rape, fight the toxic masculinity and oppressive patriarchy. Don’t be shallow! Don’t scapegoat LGBT+ people and forced them into internalized rivalries, because that won’t prevent your downfall as societies and species.

Go get a life! A constructive and positive one…




Written by GenderGirl

Age 39. Born in Ruse, Bulgaria. Living in Sofia, Bulgaria. Interested in reading, writing, music, art, films, booking, etc.

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