Is that really important?
Don’t think so.
It’s about taste and fears…
It’s like asking men will they date something they don’t like — like overweight or unattractive women. Well, most men will answer you “No”, because men are feed up with stereotypes and fears. Also, men have different tastes and one may dare to date trans or overweight girl, others won’t because he is not attracted or because he is too afraid “what the others will think?”.
To date, a trans woman is a real “adventure” and an act of heroism. To date her for real. We know all the prejudice, lies and insults related to that choice. It’s like other “forbidden relationships” — the conservatives don’t want people to get distracted because they need minions, so scared people grabbed the lies and hold on to them. That’s why only the brave people live long and dare to date whoever they really like.
It’s not transphobic or any kind of hatred to not like to date someone specific, just because you don’t have the taste for her. It’s not transphobic if you are too scared to date or date openly someone, just because you are so depending on other cowards' opinion. It would be transphobic and etc. if you act on hatred towards those you don’t dare to date, to insult, to devalidate her, just because you are scared…
Move on or act!