“Gender identity” destruction — the charade of madness

3 min readJul 12, 2020


There is one beautiful question asked in Jamie Dodger’s video about J.K. Rowling, and the same topic was included as a hypothetical situation in Rachel Anne Williams’ book “ Transgressive: A Trans Woman on Gender, Feminism, and Politics”(I won’t cite it, read the book if you curious, you won’t die and it’s there find it) — What will happen if tomorrow you wake up without a body (yes, even without genitals)? What would you be? If they ask you what is your gender/sex, what would you answer? I, Jamie’s girlfriend Shaaba, Rachel’s heroine in the essay’s hypothetical scenario, the 99% of us, I dare to guess will say that their gender is the gender they know they are even without genitals.

This a simple, pure example of how real and how gender identity works. Gender identity has really pure and simple explanation — the way we proceed and interpret our gender and sex. The way we align them in our everyday existence…

Well, we have these ‘vocal’ (i.e. yelling and noisy) groups of gender-critical “real” women, who decide that they are not satisfied with that simple brain’s operation and want to stick on their genitals as the reliable foundation of who they are as women and even as a people. They deny the existence of gender identity, and accused trans people of erasing the limited-functioning bio sex (it’s for reproduction remember, you know and not everyone is born to reproduce, opposite to conservatives' ideas and views), which is their lie and throwing dust in the eyes when they are erasing real, existing around us, experienced by everyone brain function — of perceiving and experience your own sex and gender!

And what a shocker, ladies and gentlemen, and the rest of us! People experience even that immutable part of their existence differently, and out of the common (because there is no ‘normal’ there is common). Some people experience their relationship between sex and gender differently! Their brain constantly, immutable and persistently proceed and interpret their sex, as ‘wrong’… Is that delusional? Well, simply put: delusion is when you are not able to function in society because you totally can’t make difference between reality and fantasy. Well, trans people can see the difference but the reality that is assigned to us is not what we know, not what we are programmed for.

Everyone has that function called ‘gender identity and to delete it in the name of reinforcing reverse sexism (because this is what they do, with de-validating trans women and teaching the rest of the cis women to fear all hypothetical or not, men or males, is reinforcing sexism in a female perspective). To erase in the name of fear and self-insecurities is not anything to be proud of or to follow.

You don’t accept or believe in, etc. trans women. You are free to not accept everyone, free to speak about it, but when you talk in a hateful and infantile manner, the logical step for everyone around you, who has humanism, brain, and dignity is to turn your back on you.

We know that all transphobia, homophobia, etc. human phobias are very narrow and infantile at their core! Look at all the cheap lies, the whole energy thrown into this absurd (like the children investing energy in useless activities, that could be more damaging and destructive than else), invested in a narrow hatred. Female erasure? Impacting negatively women’s and children’s rights? Are you blind? It’s all about fear and insecurity! Infantile! Real madness! Real paranoia!

If they destroy ‘gender identity, they will reinforce sexism’s narrow genital segregation, instead of living their lives and accepting, that nature loves diversity and diversity could teach a lot more than common stuff. Ask yourself who wins from that separatism. A bunch of issued and cowardly, manipulative women and men. Because no trans person will take your bio sex from you, but bio sex is not the thing that determines you as a whole. And this is what ‘gender dysphoria’ put on display and it’s not that scary and hard to accept.




Written by GenderGirl

Age 39. Born in Ruse, Bulgaria. Living in Sofia, Bulgaria. Interested in reading, writing, music, art, films, booking, etc.

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