Every term in human’s history and science is human-made and more (essay)
Nothing wrong with the terms and terminology. All of it was created to bring some order, for better understanding. It was accepted! Sometimes without a doubt and without taking the specific differences, i.e. exceptions.
There are always exceptions!
There is no a unique script (like Bible or etc.) that could handle and tell all the truth, all the version of truths, what is good and what is evil because there is no such a thing like ‘Pure Evil’ and ‘Pure Good’. If there are (remember there are always exceptions, sometimes rare and unique), well that is kind of OK!
Back on terms…
All ‘male’, ‘female’ biological characteristic and how they determined gender, they are human-made and accepted. If Nature wanted us to be labeled by Her, as some people try to convince us, she might brand us with tags or stamp on the forehead — ‘man’, ‘woman’, ‘zebra’, etc. NO! ‘Smart’ people create tags and divide. Nature cares about her processes, not naming and branding. Nature love DEVIATIONS of any kind and the evidence are in front of you every day -from people and animals in different shape and colors, to people and animals with ‘out of the box’ experience and functions. Nature doesn’t want us ‘all the same’, so don’t believe, when someone told you that ‘It’s normal to be like the person next to you’.
It’s ‘normal’(another nice term) to do positive things, to build, to be complete, to be useful, to be okay with yourself in a positive way. If this demand changes (it usually does), beyond the accepted terms and categories, with sacrifices and pain — well, be it! People with the brain and own lives will understand and support you, people with nothing else but ‘terms’, ‘terminology’, outdated values and views will be against you.
Terms are a human-made and accepted. What is accepted is changing during the course of human history and it is related to people’s intellectual development, as persons and identities, that use their ‘biologies’ as a tool for physical existence and mind-caring devices and use their brains and self-consciousness to be creative, positive and most importantly — themselves.