Bulgaria is still in between Middle ages values and Russian anti-humanistic propaganda when the topic is trans people’s rights
In the city of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, the Regional court decided to punish a trans person, for her existence! The court decided to reject the right of a person to change her birth certificate, according to the ‘fact’ that there is the biological sex, written in it.
But the problem is, that people are not led by their biology in their existence. You are not taking decisions with your penis or vagina (most of the time). Your penis or vagina is not making you the person you are.
The birth certification is nothing more than a paper. Biological sex is nothing than accepted by someone, somewhere, a long time ago term. Sex/Gender has a lot of dimensions. Social, psychological… Most of the gender is constructed, by society and biology is used only to justify the inequality between the sexes, elevating misogyny, sexism, and bigotry!
Gender nonconformity is not something new. People who live in the 21st century, know that every individual person is more than their physical characteristics and that our psyche, our nervous system, and our brain are in command. That without brain activity, it doesn’t matter what you have between your legs!
But the Bulgarian society, authorities, and experts are living in the Dark ages. They collectively hate everything that is new to them, because they see it as a threat. With the high interference of ‘Big Brother’ Russia and some fanatic religious organizations, the conservative radicals will continue to ruin people’s life.
Stara Zagora now will be known as one of the most underdeveloped, homo/transphobic cities, with monstrous judges, who are stuck mentally in the Middle Ages.
For me and the other trans people — we can only hope, that society will learn to judge by the person’s qualities, not physical characteristics or appearance, and not judge by the limits of their own experience and knowledge!
We will hope…