Biological sex as a starting point, not predestination (essay)
In their desire to wipe out the transgender population, in the name of their “natural order”, many conservative and religious people are ready to fully rely on the argument that ‘biological sex can’t be changed’.
Well, thinking a lot about human civilization development, the naming, and tagging of different subjects in and out of our environment, we must understand that all of the terminologies that describes everything in the world around us are human-made. They were created in the name of order, but that order didn’t take specific differences in people, in the count.
Biological sex is created by humans. What is male and female, all of its characteristics, put under the labels are determined by someone to make life simple, without getting the diversity and psycho-social factors as leading. And then it emerges as something complex!
Because we are not just a simple biological unit. If we were at that lower state of existence we wouldn’t have consciousness, memories, and identity. We should be like wild animals led by their instincts. And there are animals who change their biological sex.
The religious fanatics and their conservative allies have only one goal: Procreation of mindless and serving units despite the fact that the planet is overpopulated, polluted, and destroyed. They spread the rumors about human kind’s end with the idea to bring panic and to force people into blind mating, without adequate parenting policies and thinking about the freedom of the people.
So the LGBTI+ community is the comfortable scapegoat. By building a perfect network of lies and misinformation, by using the ‘nature’ who loves deviations and differences and doesn’t use labels, they are turning the determined for ‘normal’ against the people who want to live their life, with stability, security open views and the way it makes them complete persons, not totally giving up on a fake order, that brings hatred and separation.
In fact, trans women and men are not allowed by these people, to be the person they realize deeply and constantly they are, they are not forbidden by nature and I am 101% sure that there is a biological explanation about that rare condition. Because in the name of their religiously-conservative order, they want to bring people down to sex organs, not elevate their mind to the stage where the body is only a tool, not the entity of human existence.
They devalidate trans experience on the basis of their own life views and degrade the gender incongruence to delusion because it suits them. They deny that trans people can fit in their realized gender and even change many of predetermined biological characteristics — like hormones, sex organs, body shape because biology is not destiny. It’s not a limitation. It is just a package, that can be modified in many aspects. It is a starting point, not predestination.
Let’s not forget those sexual organs were closer to female in the embryo’s stage in all of us and at one step they develope in different shapes and functions, but the same structure. In the end, it is easier to create a vagina, that can be sensitive, than penis which somehow leads us to the domination of femininity ;)…
It is not about feelings or delusional thrust. No one accepted with ease his/her/their differences. Even the most confident trans people, had their struggles and inner-searching. It is about core identity and entity on a basic level. There where nothing could be changed.
It is a matter of perception, as well. Do we have the strength to accept and perceive the person in front of us as who he/she/they is/are? Could we be strong enough to not let the simplicity and physiological characteristic stop us from getting to know this person as the human being he/she is//they are? In the end, no one is trying to change someone, all we want is accepting and living our own authentic lives, the way we feel it is right, with no harm to anyone else.
That’s not ideology! That is someone’s life!