It’s Just a Sarcasm: A TERF Typology (an Angry ‘Tranny’ Revision)
BtC — Brain to C*nt Transitioned Type;
CtM — C*nt to Mouth Transitioned Type;
FtCB — Feminist to Conservative Bedpan Transitioned Type;
GOP — Genital Obsessed Paranoid Type;
RFOP — Rape Fantasies Obsessed Type
MSoHB — Miserable Shadow Of Human Being Type i.e. Mixed of all type;
This typology is a “payback” to TIM and TIF terms, which are “backed-up” with a lot of absurd descriptions suitable for them [TERFs] and their bunch of ‘fans’ with narrow minds. I think that my typology is clear enough as theirs…
Enjoy it!
They are all different heads of the same body — i.e. you can choose one of these and you won’t be wrong because it’s all the same!!!
The goal of this “typology” is to show how easy it is to create offensive terminology or types even if they are synonymous, for one and the same thing, mostly, but you can make them look as different terms all of it in the name of harm and to invalidate community.
Rely on the community and people who support it, terminology, not on haters’ terminology… It’s like you to be okay if someone who hates you deeply, based on mythology and prejudice or lies about you to represents you in front of the others who don’t know you… What the effect could be? Wouldn’t you prefer to define and present yourself in your own words or let people who are really close to you in good or worst to represent you?
This is the case: A group of so-called “gender critical feminists” who love to align themselves with conservative bigots and other phobes decided to create, revisit terminology that is not their own to revisit.
People who accept these just agree with the transphobic statement that trans people need to be kept miserable and reminded by their determined by birth sex like we don’t know and we can forget about it!
Ladies, most of us proudly wears the “trans woman” term as a sign, flag of our past and struggles, we don’t need more miserable ‘real women’ from the sex binary to remind us of it!
Some people are more than genitals…
All people are more than just a biology!
You can hate the differences and the complexity in this world, which makes it beautiful and colorful and run like crybabies to the days of simplicity when women were totally nothing except breed mares, house slaves and sexualized objects…
This one is on you!
Note: Yes, I am using the C-word as a response to many insults! Bite mine!!! Sick of being polite with people who are not even near to be polite or human beings…